FSA Messenger

by samar studio


not available

Hi friends!!We all are addicted with Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook Messengers to communicate with - and we all have created reps group, local community groups and university club groups to communicate in telegram and Facebook as there are no restrictions for the number of participants in the group.We plan, organize and communicate in those groups to contribute and to get things done.
Now its time for us to show how unique we are!We introduce you the new FSA Messenger!
This application is integrated with telegram and you can enjoy all the features provided by telegram in this messenger:You don't have restrictions for the number of participants in the group.You don't need to worry about the security issues your messages will neither be stored in servers nor can be captured by others. Its safest and gives faster delivery of messages!You can have secret chats where the messages will be encrypted and sent.You can send text, files, location, image, audio, video, and smile's :)Donn worry that you will lose other telegram users;because you can even contact telegram users using this messenger as it is integrated with telegram!
Advantages:You can show uniqueness among others how dedicated you are towards FSA activities - every step really counts.You can receive push notifications about news and alert messages about all the FSA activities and posts; and be updated with all the FSA news on daily, weekly and monthly basis by installing this application. You can even receive notifications about the events conducted and summits taken place all over the world by using this application.
Every individual who uses this application will be updated with FSA activities, news and posted in official pages of Facebook and twitter and can easily see without visiting Facebook and twitter pages as you will receive notifications by using this messenger even though if you are offline and turned on Internet.
By installing and using this application even a newbie who is into the FSA program can be updated with all the news via push notifications instead of he or she finding ways to learn and seeking help to know about the program.
If any urgent notifications has to be pushed to all the FSA Messneger users please contact,
Jayesh KR (+91-9177935713) through FSA Messenger!
Please note that the urgent notifications sent to administrator will be pushed to all the users of FSA Messenger, Only if the news is related to FSA and FSA activities and only if the notification is really worthwhile to all the users(NO SPAMS). This application is created and dedicated to all the Firefox Student Ambassadors to find easy way of learning, communicating and contributing to the program.